Congratulations to all nominees and these deserving finalists
🔹Pallavi Pankhania - WorkFocus Australia
🔹Tiffany Hames - Custodian Work Assist
Exceptional Leadership Award
🔹Haley Dearlove - WorkCom
🔹Joanna Stanes - Custodian Work Assist
🔹Todd Lonie - Green Shoots
Innovation in Return to Work Award
🔹 Rebecca Singleton - WorkFocus Australia
Outstanding Achievement in RTW - Physical Claim
🔹 Anthony Pawelec - Altius Group
🔹Elise Parker - Working Life
🔹Jamie Moynihan - WorkFocus Australia
🔹Tom Vowles - WorkFocus Australia
Outstanding Achievement in RTW - Psychological Claim
🔹Brett Johnstone - Incite Solutions Group
🔹Gillian Yates - Incite Solutions Group
Outstanding Consultant Award - New Employer
🔹Byrony Poulton - STAR IMS
🔹Jacob Campbell - WorkFocus Australia
🔹Virginia Bradshaw – Recovre
Outstanding Consultant Award - Same Employer
🔹Brett Johnstone - Incite Solutions Group
🔹Frances Parkhowell - Recovre
🔹Kelly Adano - Green Shoots
🔹Rhiannon Iliadis - IPAR Rehabilitation
Outstanding Student Award
🔹Brooke Credaro - WorkFocus Australia
🔹Sarah Quaid - Custodian Work Assist