Simple Registration

When:  Oct 17, 2024 from 12:15 to 15:00 (AEST)
Where:   Victoria Park (Alabaster Room), 309 Herston Road, Herston, QLD, 4006, AU

When & Where

Victoria Park (Alabaster Room)
309 Herston Road
Herston, QLD 4006

Oct 17, 12:15 - 15:00 (AEST)

Event registration is NOT full - if you receive this message when registering, please email us at

ARPA QLD Council is pleased to host this lunch presentation on Holistic management of fatigue-related conditions with Dr Nicholas Aitcheson, followed by a curated panel on the topic with Sarah Gatenby (ART) and Carl Cazaly (Work Health and Safety Queensland). 

Presentation Overview:

Dr Aitcheson will discuss the possible pathophysiology of fatigue-related syndromes including fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and post-COVID syndrome. He will talk about predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors, and also give a framework for approaching treatment. His presentation will be followed by an opportunity to ask questions and discuss difficult cases.


  • 12:00pm - Arrival and small bar tab available
  • 12:15pm - Buffet lunch
  • 1:00pm - Presentation by Dr Nicholas Aitcheson - Holistic management of fatigue-related conditions
  • 2:10pm - Panel including Dr Nicholas Aitcheson, Sarah Gatenby and Carl Cazaly
  • 2:40pm - Q&A with the panel
  • 2:50pm - PD event finish
  • 3:00pm - 2024 ARPA QLD AGM*

About the Presenter & Panel Members:

Presenter & Panel Member: Dr Nicholas Aitcheson

Dr Aitcheson BA, BPhty, MBBS, FAFRM (RACP), FFPMANZCA  is a dual-qualified Rehabilitation and Pain physician with a background in chronic pain and musculoskeletal physiotherapy prior to studying medicine. He is the Director of the Metro South Pain Rehabilitation Centre (the public pain centre for the south side of Brisbane, with a catchment of approximately 1.5 million people); an Independent Medical Examiner with mlcoa; a member of The Hopkins Centre Research Engagement Council; and a proud bicycle rider with the Pain Revolution Outreach Tour enabling evidence-based pain care in rural and remote Australia.

Panel Member: Sarah Gatenby - Health and Rehabilitation Advisor, ART

Sarah, a Health and Rehabilitation Advisor at ART, guides claim managers, employers and members on optimal recovery and return to work strategy, connecting expert rehabilitation and medical providers to provide timely clinical guidance and rehabilitation.

Sarah, an Occupational Therapist, holds post-graduate qualifications in Occupational Health and Safety, and Insurance Risk Management. She hails from a farming background and her formative career was in the UK and Ireland.  Sarah’s interest in ME/CFS recovery was sparked working at Swiss Re UK, alongside medical advisor Prof Peter White, contributing author PACE trial UK (2007), results superseded by UK NICE Guidelines on ME/CFS 2021.

Panel Member: Carl Cazaly - Chief Advisor, Work Health and Safety Queensland

Carl Cazaly is a Chief Advisor for the Work Health Design Unit and the Manager of the Healthy Work team with Work Health and Safety Queensland. Carl has over 30 years of experience in both in public and private sector including consultancy, service delivery, industry engagement and program and policy development, with a strong focus on integrating work health, safety and wellbeing and the prevention of work-related chronic disease. Carl has post graduate qualifications in Business, Occupational Health and Safety, and Fatigue Risk Management.

Event Registration:

Registration closes 8 October COB. Individual registration only is available for this information session, which requires your ARPA Member login to be active. Please contact your organisation’s ARPA membership contact or email if you require further assistance or would like to make a group booking.

*Annual General Meeting:

ARPA members are welcome to stay on for the 2024 ARPA QLD AGM, being held at the conclusion of this PD event (for 30 minutes, approximately). If you intend to nominate for Council election, please register by email to


Your ticket includes a buffet lunch. Please email us at for any strict dietary requirements prior to 8 October 2024. 


Complimentary carparking is available on-site. 

Pricing (inc GST)

registration type


Contact Information

ARPA National

Event Presenters

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Nicholas Aitcheson

Title & Company: Rehabilitation and Pain physician,
Bio: Dr Aitcheson is a dual-qualified Rehabilitation and Pain physician with a background in chronic pain and musculoskeletal physiotherapy prior to studying medicine. He is the Director of the Metro South Pain Rehabilitation Centre (the public pain centre for the south side of Brisbane, with a catchment of approximately 1.5 million people).
Presentation Title: Holistic management of fatigue-related conditions
profile image

Sarah Gatenby

Title & Company: Health and Rehabilitation Advisor, ART
Bio: Sarah’s interest in ME/CFS recovery was sparked working at Swiss Re UK, alongside medical advisor Prof Peter White, contributing author PACE trial UK (2007), results superseded by UK NICE Guidelines on ME/CFS 2021.
profile image

Carl Cazaly

Title & Company: Chief Advisor, Work Health and Safety Queensland
Bio: Carl Cazaly is a Chief Advisor for the Work Health Design Unit and the Manager of the Healthy Work team with Work Health and Safety Queensland. Carl has over 30 years of experience in both in public and private sector including consultancy, service delivery, industry engagement and program and policy development, with a strong focus on integrating work ...